Entries from 2013-01-01 to 1 year

Happy late Birthday to Nero c:

Joyeux annivesraire means Happy brithday in French


[Miku] sleeping beauty [English sub] - sm5449467 ... OK. So here is my therory how if Nero could die what would happen. This song gave me an idea,and its a beautiful song...please listen to it! So, Nero's friends tell doctors there is some…

Good Night

I hope you guys have a good night sleep.... and also have nice dreams c; withoutmebotheringthem

Pon pon pon

Ponponpon Kyary Pamyu Pamyu USD 1.29 provided courtesy of iTunes C:


Happy birthday Nero!!

This is my o.c Nero...I'm too lazy to draw a new picture of her right now but I will later! Today happens to be her birthday

IA vocaloid

This is my favorite female vocaloid credit to whoever drew this


Here is were most of my stuff goes and where you can find most of my drawings c; http://shayndempoptarts.deviantart.com/

I didn't know...this was possible

Wow....um I miss Hatena ALOT so I decided to make create myself a blog for it c: I hope you guys enjoy my blog!!!!